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Sustainable Developmental Goals #2  zero hunger has been developed for Kenya along with many other countries. Kenya is making sure this goal is implemented by a five-year term plan called Medium Term Plans(MTPs). A policy gap assessment is also set up to make sure that the country is consistently prepared to reach their goal. Climate change in the country can be an issue. Rainfall is one of the easiest things to measure for climate control. A greater percentage of the Kenyan economy comes from Rain-Fed agriculture. So not only can no rain affect the food they eat but the economy as well. When the economy becomes an issue, the price for food is a problem as well. Kenyan people eat a corn plant called maize. The price of maize has increased due to the economy.  According to a recent article in the New York Times due to the coronavirus, many of the cities in Kenya are struggling for food. The people of Kenya are so hungry they are killing each other for food. They held a free give away of flour and oil and people were killed. Why is this happening? Why are the people of Kenya killing to eat? Many of the people were hard-working people before the pandemic. Some of them are business owners who are unable to open their business at this time. Some of them own stores they are unable to sell anything because no one has money to buy.  Being hungry increases the crime and death rate. This is a huge concern for the country and is being addressed.  The Constitution of Kenya states that every person has the right to be free from hunger. Sadly it is a right that the country is trying hard to uphold and unable too. The World Food Programme was found to be a resource for food in Kenya. Most refugees live in camps in Kenya and many of them depend on the international benefits of food. It cost $1.90 a day to feed over 500,000 refugees in Kenya. I am thankful for a project of information like this. I now understand the importance of agriculture for underserved people. Plants and animals are a good source of food and money.

Global Hunger Could Double Due to COVID-19 Blow: U.N. | World News ...

 Kabubo-Mariara and Karanja (2006): The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Crop Agriculture: a Ricardian approach. CEEPA Discussion Paper no. 12, Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA), University of Pretoria.Retrieved from

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Welt Hunger Hilife, October 4, 2019, Hunger and undernutrition in Kenya, Retrieved from

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Reuters Wire Service, April 21, 2020, Global Hunger could double due to Covid-19 Blow: UN Retrieved from

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